All drugs start off legal: ecstasy, LSD, cocaine, etc. The new drug Kronic is promoted as “legal” weed. But frankly, legality is not the point (though WA just banned it). NZ National Poisons Centre toxicologist Leo Schep pointed out that the long-term effects of Kronic are so unknown that the drug should not be available at all. There is already an investigation into the role of Kronic and the death of a teenager in a car crash in Dunedin. While in Nelson Hospital in emergency, Dr Mark Reeves said, “When you see these guys coming in, they don’t look like they are having a good time.” Side-effects include increased heart rate, anxiety, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and chest pain. The point is, with UN Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking now, more than ever, youth should get really educated on what is a DRUG – what all drugs do and how anyone can get addicted. And parents need help and correct information, so there is no watered down version (scare tactics can backfire on teenagers too), but just the truth. Working with Drug Free Ambassadors Australia, initiated by the Church of Scientology in 1993 has enabled me to help youth, parents, teachers, drug and alcohol groups, police and former or current users. And anyone can get a lot of free information from
Cyrus Brooks,
Vice President
Drug Free Ambassadors
Glebe NSW