
The current debate about pollution reduction is both laughable and deeply depressing. What is extraordinary is the vitriol aimed at those who participated in the Multi-party Committee on Climate Change and had the courage to compromise.
The leaders of both major parties accept the scientific evidence that the world is warming and the major cause is pollution from human use of fossil fuels. They also agree on a five per cent reduction in emissions by 2020.
Tony Abbott thinks we can do this by ‘direct’ action, action that will have to be funded by taxpayers. He argues that the government plan will severely damage our economy but ignores the possible economic effects from his reduction plan. At present he says he isn’t focusing on a plan past 2020.
Gillard’s plan asks the 500 biggest polluters to pay; and then plans to use more than half the income to compensate a majority of households for any costs passed on to consumers. The Government plan also supports the development of renewable energy, including manufacturing, installing, training and job creation. This scheme will continue to reduce pollution after 2020.
Is the hysteria about change? Is it about politics or personalities or general fear? Our standard of living has risen sharply in the last few decades. If growth slows a bit—and neither plan is predicted to make the economy go backward–is that too high a price to pay for the future of our grandchildren? Please, let’s get on with it and do something that will help to make our society more resilient and our dialogue more tolerant.

Patsy Asch,

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