Future direction of UNE

I was concerned to see two recent articles printed in a newspaper, both relating to the University of New England’s future directions and a possible new campus in Tamworth.
Our VC, Professor Jim Barber, is quoted in an article that mentioned the June issue of “Campus Review” that “Universities need campuses like a hole in the head”.
In an article dated August 11, 2011 Tamworth Council has “Unanimously and excitedly supported a nomination from Charles Sturt University to act as the University partner on a funding application to establish a multi-sector education precinct in the city”.
Having spent my whole life in Armidale and having watched UNE grow to its present status, I would be horrified to think there is a school of thought which sees online teaching as replacing face to face training on campus. The fact that Armidale is so privileged to have UNE and that students can come to this lovely rural environment to live, study and share with the general community has been a result of a hard fought battle over many years by many people.
Our distance education grew from nothing and was much admired by many educators, as I recall, in conjunction with the campus. Face to face teaching of external students was and still is offered by UNE.
I certainly do not wish to be an alarmist. However, having glanced at the two articles referred to, I felt I had to put pen to paper to ask what is really going on at this time? On one hand we have Tamworth loudly proclaiming its full support of a new Uni campus in their city and on the other, our VC saying we need Uni campuses “like a hole in the head”, which seems to be somewhat of a provocative statement.
Can you imagine how devastating it would be for Armidale if all education through UNE were to go online? We all remember the difficulties experienced through the merger, then demerger, with Lismore and Coffs Harbour campuses. What did that cost our UNE? $15 million rings a bell.
Will someone please tell me I am dreaming!

Peter Hutchinson,

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