“U-beaut” electronic parking control system

With the imminent completion of the “u-beaut” electronic parking control system, it was both inter-esting and amusing to listen to Mayor Maher’s “spin” on ABC Radio last week.
First, he told us that this was not a prelude to paid parking. In fact it is paid parking by stealth.
Secondly, he asserted that it was a potential life saving measure to protect the backsides of parking wardens from oncoming traffic. Apparently they have been in mortal danger for years, from passing traffic, as they bend over to chalk the tyres. I have never heard of any such accident and since most parked vehicles have at least two wheels adjacent to the kerb, one has to wonder why they were told to mark the outer wheels! And I thought that Occupational Health and Safety were a priority for Councils!
The very next day Councillor Richardson (who should have known better) suggested that the new system would be more efficient, even though it will involve parking wardens continuing to walk the streets and car parks.
It has been suggested, widely, that the scheme will cost around $800,000. Depreciated over five years that is $160,000 extra cost per year, excluding interest foregone on the money. Where is the saving?
When the scheme was first considered nearly two years ago, Council’s own survey revealed that CBD parking was under used. Since then there has been a sharp decline in the number of CBD businesses. If lack of parking was a problem, it is too late for these proprietors.
Finally, what is to prevent a motorist from “double dipping” in a car park. Presumably the sensor is only activated by the presence of a vehicle, which is not identified, and de- activated when the vehicle leaves. To be fair to the next user, it should be de-activated immediately, so what prevents the departing vehicle from re-occupying the space?
It would be interesting to know whose bright idea it was to purchase this technology which I am told is not vandal-proof.
No doubt another expensive consultant who pocketed a substantial fee.
Coming not long after the aborted attempt to move the Tourist Information Centre last year, one hopes that the new members of Council will introduce, without delay, some clearer thinking to the Council Chamber.

William Hughes

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