Entirely new meaning of the word “tax’

Following the orders of his fiscal chief, Wayne Swan (world’s greatest treasurer), our own Tony Windsor (world’s greatest advocate of white- elephant NBN) reveals an entirely new meaning of the word “tax’.
On page 5 of last week’s Independent (April 18), Mr Windsor urges us not to blame carbon tax for the price hike on electricity because, he maintains, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal on Carbon Tax has deemed that New England residents will receive more carbon tax compensation for electricity than they will actually need. That is, the more power we use, the more compensation we receive -in fact, more compensation than we need.
Thank you, Tony, for this breakthrough in the definition of the “tax” in the term “carbon tax”. Away with Earth Hour! Begone the anti-pollutionists and the dire warnings of the earth-warmists! Take Tony’s word for it: the more electricity we use, the cheaper it gets!
Dr Paul Fidlon,

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