In response

A big thanks to Jo Ahern (letters July 18) for highlighting my stance in 2010 on the Wickham Freight Lines’ DA for a refrigerated freight terminal on (then) Council owned land at 4 Link Rd in the middle of the Netherton Park residential precinct.
My position on Wickham’s DA was that it should proceed, but not on land zoned  “rural living”. This land in the centre of Armidale’s residential growth corridor (which is presently cut off from town by a national highway) should be developed as public space which will enhance, not degrade, the surrounding residential precinct. On its own data, the DA offered the adjoining residential area excessive noise and traffic congestion.
Council rejected Wickham’s application after I presented it with written advice from a Sydney QC confirming that approval would place the Council in breach of State zoning laws.
Councillors appeared to accept my plea to fast track arrangements for Wickhams to access the “industrial- highway users” zoned land next to Armidale airport. This is the ideal location for Wickham’s terminal and could be the start of a road/ air transport hub. Despite rejecting Wickham’s DA, Council sold 4 Link Rd to Wickhams the very next day.
4 Link Rd has lain idle ever since. So has the “industrial highway users” zoned land adjacent to the airport.
I call on those in and on Council tasked with Armidale’s economic development to give Ms Ahern and the rest of us a progress report on the past 20 months.  I will offer the same invitation to Wickham’s Freight Lines.
In the meantime I invited Jo Ahern and others to meet me on Wednesday, August 1, 4-6 p.m at Hungry Jack’s.   Watch this space.

Margaret O’Connor
BA LLB (Hons)
Endorsed Liberal Candidate
Armidale Dumaresq Council Elections

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