America is finally pulling out of Iraq

After twenty years, two wars and years of sanctions, America is finally pulling out of Iraq. They leave behind a country that is wracked with sectarian violence and an economy in tatters.
The USA admits to four and a half thousand dead military personnel and one hundred thousand dead Iraqis. But that isn’t the complete story as the latest statistics didn’t mention the half million dead Iraqi children that died as a result of years of economic sanctions, BEFORE Saddam was finally toppled.
When former Secretary of State Albright was asked if the dead children were acceptable, she said, “It was.”
If any number of “rogue” nations had committed similar atrocities against a people the USA and other “humanitarian” nations would be calling for those responsible to be brought before the International Criminal Court and charged with crimes against humanity and whatever else might be applicable.
But when a nation is a super power they can trample on others without accountability for their actions.
In the last sixty years the USA has been responsible for the deaths of millions and infrastructure smashed to smithereens and all they have to show for it is: blood and higher debts for US citizens to pay off to the bankers.
But one day the USA WILL be held accountable for its actions and is now starting to suffer internal problems.
Nations, like individuals, won’t escape the consequences of their actions.

Jay Nauss

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