Thank you from eftpos

I am writing to thank all Australians who pressed CHQ or SAV for purchases between November 20 and December 17 this year to support the inaugural eftpos Giveback.
On November 22, eftpos Payments Australia Limited (ePAL) launched the eftpos Giveback to help celebrate the giving spirit of Christmas.  The idea was to encourage Australians to press CHQ or SAV and for eftpos to donate to The Salvos.  The response has been astounding and eftpos is pleased to announce $1,000,000 has now been donated to The Salvos.
Our sincere thanks go to the many Australians who chose to “Press for Good’ by using eftpos when making their purchases this Christmas.  Your support for the eftpos Giveback has been tremendous.
Only in its first year, the eftpos Giveback has been a great success and it is pleasing to see that we are able to donate a considerable sum to The Salvos which will go to help thousands of people in need.  It is the start of our Christmas tradition at eftpos and one we hope will continue, hopefully with your support, in many years to come.
The Salvation Army will use the money to do numerous good works across initiatives that will benefit families facing considerable hardship as well as others who are hungry, homeless, abandoned or abused.
This work could not be realised without so many Australians pressing for good this Christmas.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.

Bruce Mansfield,
Managing Director
eftpos Payments Australia Limited

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