A surplus at what cost

Governments around the world are usually voted in an out on the economy – except in Australia.
Here, we have Labor with record low unemployment, record low inflation, record low debt (don’t believe the Liberals, we are one of the few countries in the world awarded a AAA credit rating by the OECD with debt only nine per cent of GDP) and record low interest rates – so low, a family with an average mortage is $4000 a year better off than when Howard was kicked out. And Labor cannot sell this strong economy?
For sure, Howard and Costello would be screaming these dream figures out at every doorstop if they were still in government.
Instead, Labor lets itself be beaten around the head by refugees and a carbon tax that will achieve nothing except electoral oblivion. Didn’t Labor learn anything from the GST election?
People don’t like new taxes – end of story! Labor does not deserve to govern. This lot are not hungry enough. And Abbott? When he gets in, he will do what Howard did and what Newman, O’Farrell and Baillieu are doing right now. Sack thousands of workers, sell off taxpayer owned assets, rape education, health and services, reinstall Work NO choices under another name and take up O’Farrell’s advice to raise the GST. This is what Liberals do.
It is in their DNA. Then Abbott will say “Oh look at our wonderful surplus”.
Any government can manufacture surpluses by attacking the poor, the underprivileged and selling off the family silver.

Ray Armstrong
Tweed Heads South

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