Climate Sceptic

As usual our egg-headed scientists have got it wrong again, they said the sun orbited a flat earth and to even think of continental drift would have failed you at any university 60 years ago. All these monumental stuff-ups have now been accepted by mainstream science, so why are they so sure that man and man alone can CONTROL our climate? MONEY, that’s why! This would be the biggest con job perpetrated on humanity since religion. Carbon dioxide is plant food. Combined with sun and water, plants grow tall, by increasing these three ingredients plants grow taller, so what’s the problem? GREED, that’s what!!, Their claim that the three per cent man is polluting the atmosphere with is cumulative and not taken up by plants, RUBBISH.
Experiments show other-wise. When those three ingredients are increased, so does plant growth and in proportion too, perhaps they took their readings during the DROUGHT, that could explain their mistake, but being sceptical by nature I still err on the side of MONEY, GREED and CONTROL.
I am not the product of our tertiary system but have lived long enough to see the climate comes in CYCLES, and my studies show a direct connection between the PLANETS, SUN and the EARTH. My paper on the subject has been on the net since 2006, it was presented to the PEER REVIEW process by the HULL UNIVERSITY in their ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT publication, to this day it has never been CHALLENGED.

Kenneth W Dickman
Gold Coast

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