In response

The evangelical fervour of your correspondent C R Holford (Feb, 8) is depressingly familiar. I was married to an evangelist, now thankfully in Ukraine boring the good people of Kiev. Such people have a lot of trouble with reason and rationality. They have not really progressed very far from totem pole worship.
How is the Bible the word of God? Before the Reformation, Catholic scripture was the word of God . Its adherents included Martin Luther. Why was Luther wrong then and right later and who would care?
Why isn’t Allah God and why isn’t the Koran the word of God and why are atheists wrong? Mr Holford is dressing up his opinions as fact. His opinions have no support in rational discourse.
Of course he blames the Universities. He does so because his opponent is knowledge. At least he knows where it can be found. Universities have better things to do than oppose Mr Holford.
Albert Einstein was a believer as well as a scholar. He said the behaviour of sub atomic matter is unpredictable. It became a check on his belief. Doubtless Mr Holford believes God is in control of all matter. If he has any respect for knowledge he might reflect on this.
Mr Holford tells us society is becoming increasingly ignorant of the Bible. I think society is becoming more aware of the Bible and less interested. Many people study the Bible in comparative religious studies. It helps to understand the role of religion in society.
Holy books were an early form of mind control. He who controlled the minds held the power, ask Rupert Murdoch. There is a relationship between religion and power, but then I doubt if Mr Holford is a sociologist, so I won’t go there.
The atheists can weather his taunts. To me they are meaningless. He could better invest his efforts in building community with the Muslims in Australia. He will not do it by holding his religion as superior to other values and beliefs.
In the carnage of the First World War, both sides upheld the Bible. This is your Christian heritage Mr Holford , but of course it is not the one you care to speak of.
Holford makes a long list of everything wholesome and good, then ascribes it to Christianity. There are no linkages. It is jingoism for Jesus.
John Bergin,

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