Mining industry wants more

Following the mining industry’s successful advertising propaganda against the “Super Tax,” where the Australian people would share part of the benefits of windfall profits, it now seems they want more.
The mining industry is already one of the most powerful lobby groups in Australia (and the world for that matter). A mining company can enter a landholders property and ruin good agricultural land, water tables etc. While a farmer is required to meet strict environmental guidelines to cut timber and vegetation, these restrictions do not apply to the mining sector.
Now Australia’s richest person, mining magnate Gina Rinehart has taken 12.8 per cent ownership of Fairfax Media. Fairfax ownership includes The Sydney Morning Herald, the Melboune Age, a large number of regional papers on the Eastern Seabord including The Armidale Express, The Land, Australian Financial Review and the Launceston Examiner.
This will mean that the mining industry will be in a prime position to gain editorial control over virtually the bulk of Australian media. As Joe Hockey confirmed recently, it already has the Federal Opposition in its pocket, so along with the Murdoch Press, Fairfax Media most television and radio outlets we can expect a heavy barrage of “information” in favour of the mining industry.
With media owned by a small number of rich individuals it is difficult to get an alternate view published (especially in certain large city papers in recent times). Now it seems regional publications are in for the same treatment.
Unfortunately freedom of speech means little to so many people: something most will regret when they have lost it.

Ken Brown,

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