Re. Anzac Day is divisive

For clarity, let us call the previous writers whose names were withheld: NW1 and NW2. And to cut through much of the muddled thinking in response to NW1’s excellent letter, let us take two issues as givens: first, that all humans have an inherent dignity; and second, not all thinking is of equal value — for instance, someone may think that all intruders should be killed, but society as a whole would not agree.
NW1 raised a very important issue, namely, that it would be good if all members in the Armidale community could participate on Anzac Day, not just the Anglo-Saxons. NW1 was not whinging.
Rather she went about the matter the right way, raising a problem in the public forum, and suggesting the sort of thing which could be part of the solution. She hopes that her letter will result in a public meeting at which the issues can be raised.
Congratulations to Barbara Rekunow, whose letter (on 23 May) explains that she educated her husband (a former Russian soldier) to “embrace Anzac Day”. What she did for her husband is what NW1 wants for other new Australians. If a committee is formed to progress the matter, Barbara should be invited to join.
NW2’s letter (also on 23 May) is very passionate, but is generally unhelpful, and reveals much muddled thinking, especially with the conclusion: “You cannot use attendance as an argument if those people don’t want to go”. In its own way this letter fully supports what NW1 hopes to do, to ensure that new Australians will participate on Anzac Day.
Sadly, NW2’s letter is also very muddled about the difference between our dignity as people and the value of our thinking. As an educated person, NW2 would know that essays and exam answers with better thinking receive higher marks, but those marks (whether high or low) are not a comment on the student’s dignity as a person.
And NW2’s views about who is more compassionate are not relevant. If you want to reply to a letter, please keep to the point.
NW2’s letter was not all bad. It too actually supports what NW1 hopes to do, to ensure that new Australians will participate in Anzac Day, with International Students being invited to march. Moreover, NW2 is completely correct on another point, that Anzac Day is important, and that is why we should aim to be united on that day.
On the other hand, NW2 is clearly wrong in the claim NW1 wants a race debate. She doesn’t. If you want to reply to a letter, NW2, please do not write things that distort what someone else has written.
Finally, having heard the topic (that Anzac Day is divisive) debated by very large numbers of people in many places during the past few weeks, I am totally convinced that NW1 is perfectly correct when she says “the views of some people are limited, and their promoters are best described as having more to learn than to contribute”.

M Kelly,

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