Have your say on local land services

I recently announced Local Land Services, a new approach to delivering integrated catchment, agricultural and biosecurity services to farmers and landowners across NSW.
Our leading farmers have long recognised that sustainable land and water management is complementary, if not essential, to productive primary industries.
I am determined that Local Land Services will return decision making to local people, so Boards will comprise 50 per cent local representatives and 50 per cent local skill-based members.
Many from our farming and natural resource management communities have welcomed these changes, while acknowledging the breadth of work required to build Local Land Services.
The interim Stakeholder Reference Panel met for the first time last week to start building a modern and responsive Local Land Services, with the key operating principles of good governance and accountability.
However we also need the advice, experience and insights of those we are building this new model for — farmers and landowners themselves.
I have now launched the Have Your Say portal for community input on Local Land Services. I encourage you to visit haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/locallandservices to help shape this new service delivery model which will stand for generations to come.
Accountability is a cornerstone of trust, and the NSW Government is determined to restore accountability and transparency to government, including agencies which are publicly funded.
I am confident Local Land Services will deliver this.

The Hon Katrina
Hodgkinson MP
Minister for Primary
Minister for Small Business

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