Social media forum

AT its next Thursday Forum, Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) will be looking at the world of social media, and how it fits into community-based initiatives.
Social media is about people creating, sharing and exchanging information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
It has introduced substantial changes to communication between organisations, communities, and individuals.
Social media ranges from collaborative projects such as Wikipedia, through blogs and microblogs (Twitter) and ‘content communities’ (YouTube), to social networking (Facebook) and virtual worlds.
As well as being accessed worldwide, it can also have a role in non-virtual small communities.
SLA’s Web Editor Iain MacKay will present some case studies and lead discussion of this ever-growing phenomenon.
The forum will be held on 5 September at 7pm Kent House, 141 Faulkner Street, opposite Central Park. All welcome, refreshments to follow – gold coin donation appreciated. For more information, visit

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