Pet expo success

Chloe with her dog Dodo. 97991 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


ALL creatures great and small made their way with their owners to the Wyndham Pet Expo over the weekend.
The free event was held at the Wyndham Civic Centre on Sunday and saw hundreds of pet lovers come along to get some new tips and advice from industry experts.
All members of the family were entertained with pony rides, a petting zoo, reptile encounters, an exotic cat display, dog obedience displays, a jumping castle and an on-site food court.
There were also 25 stall holders available to introduce residents to the latest products.
Pet owners were also able to get their furry friends microchipped at a cheaper rate, meaning that if they are ever lost it would be much easier to reunite the pets with their owners.
Chloe and her dog Dodo were just two of the best friends who made their way to the event, which was hosted by Wyndham Council.

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