Alice is a top act

Alice-Ginevra Micheli loves to act. 98125 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


Werribee teenager Alice-Ginevra Micheli is acting her way through life and she is loving it.
Alice, 18, has been acting since she was five years old.
When she first migrated to Australia with her mother, Alice’s English was not the best so her mother enrolled her in a speech and drama class.
Alice said it was from there that her speech improved and so did her acting.
“Ever since then I’ve always enjoyed acting and performing,” Alice said.
“I love stepping into a new character and portraying it whether it’s in front of an audience or a camera, it doesn’t matter.”
Alice is taking her acting to new heights, after graduating from Werribee Secondary School last year she has been invited to audition for Top Class 2013.
VCE students who have achieved excellent results in VCE Drama, Theatre Studies, Music Performance, Music Investigation, Music Styles and Composition, Dance and VET Dance are invited to audition.
Alice was selected as one of the top 20 students out of hundreds who auditioned.
“I got in and it was very exciting,” she said.
“I will be nervous but nerves always help me with my performance thankfully.”
Alice hopes that if successful during Top Class she will be selected as one of the handful of students to perform as part of Top Acts.
“It’s a night concert which shows the best of the best pretty much,” she said of the event.
“If I got into that I would be ecstatic.”
But if not Alice knows the entertainment industry is where she is heading.
“I want to continue acting in film or TV, either way I want to pursue this passion for as long as I can,” she said.
The determined teenager said whether she is acting, producing, directing or even if she is an entertainment lawyer she hopes to always have some tie to the entertainment industry.
“I discovered this is the part of me I wanted to explore and this is the part of me that would define my future.”
Alice performed a monologue from Oscar Wilde’s, The Importance of Being Ernest, as the character Lady Bracknell at the Melbourne Recital Centre on Friday.

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