Spy cameras running

By Charlene Gatt
FOOTSCRAY’S CCTV system is up and running.
State Planning Minister Matthew Guy joined Maribyrnong Mayor Sarah Carter and Footscray Police Inspector Tony Long on Friday to officially unveil the network of 31 cameras, which are placed around 16 locations in Nicholson, Paisley and Leeds St.
The CCTV system, which was jointly funded by the council and the Department of Planning and Community Development, will only monitor public spaces.
“The cameras provide a visible and practical response to community concerns about safety and are one of a number of programs being implemented to improve safety in Footscray,” Cr Carter said.
“Strict guidelines about the storage, ownership and use of footage have been introduced to protect the privacy of the community.”
The system has been implemented to deter crime and anti-social behaviour, disrupt street based drug trade and provide evidence to assist police with law enforcement.
A range of programs, including the Public Drinking Strategy, Footscray at Night Lighting Strategy and the Footscray Outreach Project, upgrades to streetscapes and a program of festivals and events have also been created to entice more people into central Footscray.
Cr Carter admitted the cameras were no “silver bullet” in eliminating crime in Footscray.
Footscray Police Inspector Tony Long said the CCTV system, which has been tested out since July, was helping police redirect resources to certain areas and was also a valuable tool in collecting evidence for court cases.

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