Charlene Gatt
MEET the West Footscray resident trying to make life easier for Maribyrnong seniors.
Mali Wilson, 62, is the secretary of the Older
Persons Reference Group,
a Maribyrnong City Coun-cil advisory group that
examines council policies from the point of view of the older citizens of Maribyrnong.
The group, which started in February this year, has seven members and meets monthly to discuss topical issues in the municipality.
The group recently put out a survey to Maribyrnong’s senior citizens asking for their opinions on any amenities and issues concerning them.
The results of the survey will be released in January.
“We as a group will take that survey and concentrate on what things are the most difficult for the aged in Maribyrnong and try to work towards improving them next year,” Ms Wilson said.
It is also currently involved in helping the council shape its Ageing Well strategy, which provides a plan for meeting the needs of the area’s ageing population and to define the changing role of local government.
“I’ve become quite passionate about the area, and I really enjoy the community,” Ms Wilson said. “I’m quite passionate about making sure that this part of the world is good from the point of its ageing residents.”
To find out more about the Older Persons Reference Group, call Helen on 9314 9368 or send an email to maribyrnong.oprg@gmail.com.