He who laughs last?

I must comment on those correspondents, and I appreciate they have a point of view to express, if only they get their facts right. Australia will stand alone in its lunacy, because the Kyoto 11 is dead and gone.
Investing in Wind turbines. Check out www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q39q-_ZPWA. What happened in Newburgh Community Trust in Scotland. It’s a scam.
Regarding Sen John Williams’ survey. Is it surprising that only 4500 replied? I inquired at his electoral office as I hadn’t received mine. Australia Post delivered them, with all the junk mail. Luckily, I hadn’t thrown away the bunch I found my survey in.
Those correspondents are not aware of the polls held on the Internet. One today asks, ‘Do you approve of Tony Abbott repealing the bill when he gets into office. 85 per cent said yes. And that has been the pattern all over the country in previous polls.
I hardly think that passing the bill 74-72 is an overall majority. One Liberal MP, trying to get her petition against the carbon tax presented, was banned from the house for 24 hours, so couldn’t vote. Oh, we know the Senate will pass the bill, unless there is rank disobedience from some of the ALP senators.
Now, if your correspondents think for one minute all those 74 who voted for it will get in again, think again. You may find that the same will affect the Greens too. Time will tell, and those that laugh last, will laugh longer.

Pat Lightfoot,

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