Writers wanted for new group

PEOPLE with a passion for writing are being sought for a new writers group at Caroline Springs Library.
Once established, it is expected that the group will hold regular meetings in which members can swap ideas, share tips and tricks and learn from experienced writers.
An initial meeting is planned for early May, which will plan the future of the group.
Melton Shire Council mayor Bruce Rowan said writers of all styles were encouraged to join, no matter what skill level or style.
“Writing means different things to different people,” Cr Rowan said.
“To some it is a chance to express their feelings and thoughts, and to others it is a chance to relax and unwind. If you enjoy writing, this group will offer you the chance to learn from others.”
A similar group runs at Melton Library.
For more information please contact Maresce Jones at the Caroline Springs Library on 9747 5300, or email library@melton.vic.gov.au.

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