Bowlers pitch in for cancer

MEMBERS of Keilor Bowls Club will take time out for tea and charity on Thursday.
They will participate in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fund-raising event, with the fun at the club starting at 10am.
The club will host stalls, raffles and auctions with all money raised going towards research and treatment of breast cancer.
All residents are welcome to attend the event, with the club asking for a gold coin donation at the door.
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is one of the Cancer Council’s foremost fund-raising events and the largest, most successful event of its kind in Australia. More than $40 million has been raised since it began in 1994.
Once someone decides to host a morning tea for the Cancer Council, all they need to do is set a date and time, invite people along (this could be at work, school, home or in a club) and ask people to leave a donation.
Money raised by Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea enables the Cancer Council, as the country’s leading cancer charity, to continue to fund various projects.
In 2007 The Cancer Council funded more than 200 research grants across Australia.
Deer Park’s Community West will also host a morning tea on Thursday, starting at 10:30am. Community West is located at 82 Ballarat Rd, Deer Park.

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