Community book dishes it up

By Kerri-Anne Mesner
LOCAL residents’ recipes have been published in a community cookbook — full of recipes that were served at multicultural festivities earlier this year.
Flavours of the Neighbourhood was inspired out of a multicultural lunch held by Copperfields Family Centre and consists of the recipes for dishes that were served at the lunch during cultural diversity week in March this year.
Brimbank City Council mayor Sam David and Cr Natalie Suleyman launched Flavours of the Neighbourhood — the Delahey Community Cookbook at Copperfields Family Centre.
The launch coincided with Brimbank City Council’s celebration of Neighbourhood House Week, National Volunteer Week and National Families Week.
“Flavours of the Neighbourhood encompasses the fantastic spirit of our community and shows what positive outcomes that can be generated through volunteering in Brimbank,” Cr David said.
“Volunteers at Copperfields Family Centre developed this cook book in conjunction with 20 local people who contributed recipes that have been enjoyed and are special to their families.
“This commitment to improving the wellbeing of our community is similarly displayed at Neighbourhood Houses and Family Centres throughout our municipality.”
The council funded the production of Flavours of the Neighbourhood and jointly supports the operation of Copperfields Family Centre and seven similar centres throughout Brimbank in partnership with the Victorian Government.
In the 2006/07 this funding of these centres was part of council’s $6,538,930 commitment to children, youth and family services.
These centres provide a wide range of activities for local families aimed at enhancing their overall wellbeing including lunches for individuals and families, walking groups and Pilates groups, chess clubs and computer learning room which provides computer classes and Internet access.

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