Community Calendar

Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Community Calendar, 17 Assembly Dr, Tullamarine, 3043, or email to Deadline for copy and announcements is noon Wednesday.
Grow meetings DEPRESSED, anxious, unable to cope? Come and meet with others who have experienced the same and are overcoming their issues. Free weekly meetings for all every Tuesday at Church of Christ, 252 Gordon St, Footscray. 7.30pm start. Inquiries: 1800 558 268.
Arts and crafts MARIBYRNONG Community Centre offers a variety of classes including Calligraphy and a Craft Circle Workshop where you can create a Memory Basket. Inquiries: 9318 6655 or email
Social Dance “THE Dancers” meet for a lesson followed by an afternoon of dancing every Saturday at the Maribyrnong Community Centre, 9 Randall St, 12.30pm – 4pm. $5 entry includes afternoon tea. Inquiries: 9382 0037.
Yarraville Mouth Organ Band THE Yarraville Mouth Organ Band meets for practice at 8pm every Friday at 203 Williamstown Rd, Yarraville. Feel free to call in one Friday just to have a listen or to talk to us about joining. New members are always welcome. Inquiries: Heather 9399 2190 or Bill/Janet 9314 1702.
Dancing classes LEARN to dance new vogue, modern sequence and ballroom every Monday from 7.30pm. in the Citizens Centre at 48 Fehon St, Yarraville. Entry includes refreshments. Inquiries: 9382 0037.
Womens Wisdom Circle WOMEN’S spiritual collective in sacred circle is all about attuning with and elaborating on goddess qualities: intuition, healing, creative imagination, universal wisdom. It is held on the first and third Thursdays of the month. 7-9pm Spotswood Community House. Inquires 9397 8606.
Volunteers needed VOLUNTEERS are needed to work in the emergency department of the Footscray Hospital. Volunteers are needed to support both the patients and staff in the busy emergency department. All training is provided and shifts are three hours in length. Inquiries: Jo Spence on 8345 1201.
Friendship group FRIENDSHIP group for singles over 45 meets Wednesday evenings for a coffee and a chat, and social activities on weekends. Inquiries: Betty 9369 3605 or Graham 9315 1532.
Public speaking GAIN confidence and improve your speaking skills. Footscray Skyline Toastmasters meet at the Yarraville Community Centre, 59 Francis St, Yarraville on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7pm. Inquiries: Heather 9731 0660.
Low cost exercise JOIN runners and walkers of all ages and abilities at 7pm every Tuesday in the West. Street orienteering is cheap, easy and fun. Inquiries: Anne 0401 042 135.
Centre courses YARRAVILLE Community Centre has classes starting soon including internet, Summer Italian cooking classes, Intermediate Excel, Declutter Your Way to a New Life, beaded jewellery, and PowerPoint, conversational Spanish and French, pilates and adult guitar Inquiries: 9687 1560 or email
Senior Citizens MARIBYRNONG Senior Citizens take trips and play indoor bowls, card games and bingo. Membership fees are $6 a year. Inquiries: 9318 6655.
Volunteers needed THE Humanitarian Settlement Strategy located in the Western suburbs of Melbourne is seeking volunteers to assist new arrival refugees to settle in their new community. Your role will vary according to the needs of the client. Inquiries: 8398 4700.

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