VCAL funding cuts unfair

THE State Government’s decision to cut co-ordination funding for the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) program will limit the options of young people in Melbourne’s North West, Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews said.
Mr Andrews said Premier Ted Baillieu’s decision to cut $12 million a year from the successful VCAL program would have a direct impact on students.
“Mr Baillieu and his Education Minister Martin Dixon have steadfastly refused to acknowledge the funding cut, but the fact is that Catholic Regional College (in Sydenham) will lose nearly $100,000 from their budget,” Mr Andrews said.
“Without this funding, other areas of the school budget may need to be trimmed such as reducing the number of teachers, cutting down on subjects, or cutting support programs in areas such as literacy.”
Keilor MP Natalie Hutchins added: “VCAL provides students an alternative to VCE, and a pathway to a career.
“Not every student goes to university, and VCAL prepares students for the next step in their lives.”

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