STUDENTS at three local schools are working on an innovative new venture to give them insight in running in transport, distribution and logistics industry.
Sixteen year 11 students from The Grange P-12, Galvin Park and Werribee Secondary Colleges have since February fully operated the virtual business, Toll Virtual Victoria.
Education and Training Minister Lynne Kosky launched the program at the Grange P12 in Hoppers Crossing last Wednesday.
Ms Kosky described the innovative program as a “win-win” for students in years 10, 11 and 12 and the trucking industry, which desperately lacks young blood.
Trucking giant Toll Holdings’ employees mentor the students, while industry training board, TDT Victoria, supports and coordinates the students who earn kudos toward their Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate.
Toll Holdings is the first transport, distribution and logistics organisation to reach youth at this level locally.
Students complete Certificate II in Business and Certificate II in Transport and Distribution (Administration) as part of the elective subjects running four hours a week.
Students use a $100,000 virtual float to trade with more than 130 practice firms from other industries and schools in a simulated economy- run virtually at schools across Australia – and fulfil roles including, administration, finance, and human relations.
They take part in business planning, management, marketing and promotion, as well as dealing with all the complexities that exist in real companies – like scheduling and rostering, types of products to be delivered and relevant technologies.
“This exciting initiative gives students an opportunity to build entrepreneurial skills and gain job skills and recognised qualifications that will give them a head start for success in the industry,” Ms Kosky said.
“The transport, distribution and logistics industry is critical in sustaining strong economic growth and the wellbeing of our state so it is crucial that it be supported by a skilled workforce.”
The transport, distribution and logistics industry contributes $1.6 billion annually to the Australian GDP.
It provides 237,000 full and part time jobs in Victoria and generates 24 per cent of the income produced by industry in Victoria.