New move to push West

WYNDHAM City Council has agreed to contribute $90,000 to establish a company that will represent the interests of most of Melbourne’s West.
A nine-member board of directors comprised representatives from Wyndham, Melton, Moonee Valley, Maribyrnong and Brimbank, as well as four directors elected from other organisations, will run the company, LeadWest.
Hobsons Bay has refused to join it because it thinks the new group will not offer value for money.
LeadWest replaces the Western Region Economic Development Organisation, which went broke in February 2005 after nearly 10 years of lobbying for improved infrastructure and business opportunities in the West.
The Wyndham council has set aside a further $90,000 towards the organisation’s 2007-08 budget. Cr Kim McAliney was named as Wyndham’s representative on the LeadWest board.

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