Sudanese soccer

A SUDANESE junior team from the Werribee Soccer Club is kicking goals after receiving a State Government grant.
The team received $7200 in funding from the Department of Human Services to pay the registration and insurance fees to enable 20 young Sudanese children to play soccer at the club. The players will also be taken to a soccer match between Melbourne Victory and Juventus by the council’s youth services department.
Wyndham Council will also buy 20 soccer balls to give the children to enable them to practice and increase their skill development.
Iramoo Ward councillor Heather Marcus said the Sudanese were one of the municipality’s burgeoning multicultural communities.
“According to statistics from the Department of Immigration, most of Wyndham’s refugee population comes from Sudan,” Cr Marcus said.
“Being part of a team environment at Werribee Soccer Club provides a strong social network for members of the Sudanese community.
“This funding allows these children to keep fit, integrate into the wider Wyndham community and increase their social development.
“Wyndham Council is committed to providing support programs such as the excursion and equipment to assist multicultural communities.”

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