LAST Saturday the Prime Minister rolled into Werribee to pay a visit to the Werribee Football Club where she is the patron. I was amazed at the size of her entourage and the press that were there. It was nowhere near what I have experienced in my media dealing with Bob Hawke and others. That to me was refreshing. I have interviewed Julia on many occasions over the last few years and last Saturday she was the same as every other time, she was relaxed, charming and totally candid.
WE talked on stage at the President’s Lunch about everything from the Lodge to the stock market collapse to our sleeping habits, the Men’s Shed project her partner Tim is working on and spending time in Altona. We are all bombarded with the day to day political sound bites and interviews, but I think Julia enjoyed the chance to push that to one side and have a chat. As I have written before, forget about whether you agree with her politics, Julia Gillard is a very genuine human being who is trying to do her job as best she can and that is all we can ask for.
SO who wants to be the next Mayor? We are fast approaching the time when our current councillors need to let the ratepayers know who wants the job for the next year. I know it is an internal vote but I think it is absolutely incumbent on the current councillors to flag their intentions. We deserve better than the cloak and dagger stuff that has been the case for too many years. Let me paraphrase this in my best western suburbs vernacular – Put up or Shut Up. Ratepayers do not want politics from the council. What we need is leadership and action. The council is now running a multimillion dollar business and it needs people equipped to handle that.
GREAT sporty night last Saturday run by the Rotary Club of Point Cook/ Laverton to aid the 20th Man Back to school program. It is always good to see local service clubs giving to their own community.
Any news let me know on the e-mail kevin@howdypartnersmedia and you can follow me on twitter @KevinHillier plus check out the Howdy Partners Media website as well.