Jobs on

THE developers of Wyndham’s newest suburb and Melbourne’s newest marina have said that their project will bring much-needed jobs into the area.
Wyndham Harbour’s development director Sonya Miller claimed last week that during construction it will inject much-needed jobs into the economy.
“Additionally, ongoing jobs associated with marina operations, retail activity and property and site maintenance will further align the development with the State Government’s employment growth objectives for the area,” Ms Miller said.
“The City of Wyndham has been outlined as one of five residential growth areas in Melbourne and one of three employment growth areas, which will turn the precinct into a thriving metropolis”.
It comes as respected demographer Bernard Salt reflected on the astonishing growth Wyndham was experiencing.
“By 2009 the so-called Western Edge of Melbourne, the municipalities of Wyndham and Melton, added a combined population of 18,000 in 12 months replacing the Gold Coast as this nation’s fastest growing region,” Mr Salt said.
“In the year to June 2010 the Western Edge added 20,000 residents.”
Planning Minister, Matthew Guy, said that once Wyndham Harbour was finished it would continue to provide for the economy.
“Once completed, Wyndham Harbour is expected to generate $8 million in tourist expenditure with around 72,000 day-trippers to visit the marina each year,” Mr Guy said.

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