Have your say on budget

By Bridie Byrne
WYNDHAM City Council is calling for pre-budget submissions from residents and community groups.
Mayor Shane Bourke said the process was the ideal forum to put forward ideas for the municipality’s future in 2010/11.
“If there is a service or project that you would like to see council support, then we would like to hear about it,” Cr Bourke said.
“This process allows residents to have a say in where their rates go and gives council the opportunity to hear the needs of the community.
“People who make a submission also have the opportunity to make a brief presentation to council on their proposal.”
The council was forced to change its draft 2009/10 budget after a barrage of community anger.
Submissions have to be returned to council by 23 October and presentations will be held on 9 November.
Individuals who choose to present to council will be given five minutes to briefly discuss their submission.
Pre-budget submission forms are available at the Wyndham Civic Centre, Point Cook Community Learning Centre, the CBD Library and the Heaths Road Library or at www.wyndham.vic.gov.au. For more information contact the council’s financial service manager on 9742 0711.

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