By Xavier Smerdon
AS SUMMER approaches Wyndham residents are being warned to be vigilant and prepare their properties for the risk of fire.
The CFA last week warned that areas like Werribee were at real risk of being threatened by grassfires.
CFA spokesperson Kris Perkovic said people need to seriously consider having a fire plan.
“The fire risk in the Werribee area is from fast running grassfires,” Mr Perkovic said.
“Living in or adjacent to a grassland area with dried out brown or golden-coloured grass over 10cm high is a fire risk.”
On Black Saturday last year 40 homes were lost to a grassland fire the Narre Warren area.
The fire was started when a resident used a power tool on a total fire ban day.
Sparks flew from the man’s tool, jumped a fence of a property that abutted an open grassland, and fire soon engulfed the neighbourhood.
Mr Perkovic said the events of that day proved people need to consider the dangers posed to their area.
“The Narre Warren North incident is a prime example of a blatant disregard for rules and the safety of the public,” he said.
Mr Perkovic said grassfires posed a different kind of risk to bushfires. “Grassfires can start much earlier in the day as it does not take long for grass to dry out,” he said. “A grassfire in a parkland, paddock or adjacent grassland can spread quickly, putting homes at risk.
“The taller and drier the grass the more intensely a fire will burn.” The CFA is urging people to prepare their properties by cutting tree branches that hang over their house, avoid using mulch in their gardens, cutting their grass and by getting rid of material that can catch fire.