WYNDHAM residents suffering from a cruel and often debilitating condition are being encouraged to take part in a community based support group.
Reflections Café, which is run by Wyndham Council and held at the Civic Centre, allows people with memory loss and their families to come together for support and information.
The café will be celebrating its first anniversary on 15 February.
The Australian Government’s Institute of Health and Welfare recognises that Dementia is the most significant neurological disorder experienced by those aged over 80, said Wyndham Mayor, Kim McAliney.
“Within 10 years dementia is predicted to be the major cause of disability for Australians, overtaking cardiovascular disease, cancer and depression,” Cr McAliney said.
“Dementia can affect memory, attention, language and problem solving and can have a real impact on families and caregivers. Providing support for people with memory loss, and the people who care for them, is vital as the Wyndham community ages.
“The Reflections Cafe is a great way to support our community. Each gathering brings people together for a short information session, entertainment and afternoon tea.”
Reflections Café is funded through the Home and Community Care Program, a joint Commonwealth and State Government program and Wyndham City operates the Cafe in partnership with Alzheimer’s Australia.
The café will be celebrating its first anniversary on Wednesday 15 February at 2pm. Residents can enjoy a Valentine afternoon tea and entertainment by Frank Lee Darling.
For more information call 9749 4936.