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Walter Villagonzalo at the original Migrant Hub before it was moved to the Mambourin Gardens. 45972 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIWalter Villagonzalo at the original Migrant Hub before it was moved to the Mambourin Gardens. 45972 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

AS some of the biggest names in business innovation descend upon Melbourne, one well-known Werribee resident will be among them.
Walter Villagonzalo, the founder and face of the Migrant Hub in Werribee, is one of 10 people selected – out of hundreds who applied – to attend the Creative Innovation 2011 conference next month.
Mr Villagonzalo will be able to rub shoulders with famous business experts Dr Edward de Bono, Daniel Dennett and one of the USA’s top inventors Raymond Kurweil.
He will also give a speech about the work the Migrant Hub is doing and how Australia and the world can utilize the skills of migrants.
“In Australia, and all over the world, we have something called a brain drain when migrants with skills in a specific field leave their country of origin, but we don’t have a brain gain,” Mr Villagonzalo said.
“They are depleting the skill levels in their own country and it’s wasted when they are not properly utilised in countries like Australia.”
The conference usually costs $3000 to attend, but along with nine other rising entrepreneurs, Mr Villagonzalo will be able to enjoy the experience free of charge.
It was Mr Villagonzalo’s ability to recognise this gap in skills that inspired him to found the Migrant Hub in 2009.
“By setting up social enterprises and getting people to interact with their community, we are able to connect people,” he said.
“The Migrant Hub is the result of the efforts of many volunteers with a passion to create some solutions for the community.”
The Creative Innovation 2011 conference will be held in Melbourne from 16 to 18 November.

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