Pirates on parade

Ava and Lara De Brincat from Point Cook get into the spirit of things with Lauren Corbett the pirate. 83828 Picture: XAVIER SMERDONAva and Lara De Brincat from Point Cook get into the spirit of things with Lauren Corbett the pirate. 83828 Picture: XAVIER SMERDON

WYNDHAM was transformed last week as hundreds of pirates took to the streets to try and find some hidden treasure.
The Amazing Adventure treasure hunt was held last Tuesday at the start of the school holidays and was organised by Wyndham Council.
Speaking before the event, Mayor Kim McAliney said the treasure hunt was a just one of a number of events organised to help parents keep their children entertained during the holidays.
“This is a great way for parents to beat the school holiday blues and get the children out of the house and into exploring the City,” Cr McAliney said.
“Wyndham is home to over 15,000 children aged between five and nine, and this event promises to keep them entertained. It’s one of many events that Wyndham hosts for our younger residents, including the Children’s Week Picnic and our school holiday programs at local libraries.”
As the children and their parents gathered clues and solved riddles they were awarded prizes and led to a show of magic and fun at the Wyndham Cultural Centre.

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