On the road to finance

Hoppers Crossing Secondary College student Matthew Kocsis attended the UBS Annual Finance Academy during his school holidays. 84117 Picture: SUPPLIEDHoppers Crossing Secondary College student Matthew Kocsis attended the UBS Annual Finance Academy during his school holidays. 84117 Picture: SUPPLIED

A HOPPERS Crossing teenager has spent his school holidays attending a prestigious financial education program at Sydney University.
Hoppers Crossing Secondary College Year 11 student Matthew Kocsis was one of 50 young people from across three states chosen to participate in the week-long program.
The annual UBS Finance Academy aims to give teenagers an understanding of global financial markets and finance-related career opportunities.
The students also get the chance to meet key industry figures, take part in workshops and go to UBS’s live trading floor and CNBC’s television studio.
Last week, Matthew spoke to Star from Sydney about his experiences with the program.
“Listening to the speakers at UBS has been really enjoyable and given me an insight into the world to finance,” he said.
“For a while I’ve been thinking of a career in business and finance.”
A talent for mathematics seems to run in Matthew’s genes, as his father is a financial manager.
Matthew said his favourite subjects at Hoppers Crossing Secondary College included Business Studies and Accounting.
Matthew said he applied to attend the UBS Finance Academy at the suggestion of his school’s Year 11 co-ordinator.
“I was thinking it would be worth a shot and you only get one chance to do something like this in life,” he said.
“It’s a wonderful, unique experience. It’s in its 10th year and just over 500 people have come through. It’s a real honour and privilege to be here.”
Matthew said he hoped to study a Bachelor of Commerce at university, after completing Year 12.

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