Have a heart

THE Heart Foundation is looking for big-hearted volunteers, like Dorothea Mokrusch, to take part in the annual Doorknock appeal this September.
The Spotswood resident has been volunteering for the doorknock for several years and encouraged others to get on board.
“It’s a good cause,” she said.
“We all have a heart.”
The 79-year-old said her neighbours are so used to her doing the door knock that they expect her every year.
“I know all the people in my street, I’ve been here for 37 years.
“You’ve got to do something for others worse off than you.”
The Heart Foundation hopes to recruit an army of 120,000 volunteers with an aim to raise $5 million nationally to help fight heart disease, the number one killer of Australian men and women.
“As a charity, we rely on volunteers and public donations to carry out our lifesaving work,” Kathy Bell, CEO of the Heart Foundation (Victoria) said.
“This year our aim is to raise $5 million to fund critical research and community projects to improve awareness, prevention and treatment of heart disease, which kills one Australian every 24 minutes.
“To reach this goal, we need to recruit volunteers in every suburb across Australia so please register for our Doorknock Appeal today – it’s a simple and rewarding way to help save lives from heart disease.
“As a volunteer collector you will be allocated approximately 20 houses to doorknock either in your own street or in your local neighbourhood. You will also be provided with an official Heart Foundation identification badge and Doorknock receipt book.”
If you would like to volunteer in your area, please contact the Heart Foundation Doorknock Hotline on 1800 55 22 55or register online at www.heartfoundation.org.au/doorknock

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