Ready for a feast of fashion

Year 12 students Amanda and Megan with Fashion Awards Australia's Heather Marcus and school teacher Craig Braybrook. 85270 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNIYear 12 students Amanda and Megan with Fashion Awards Australia’s Heather Marcus and school teacher Craig Braybrook. 85270 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

WYNDHAM’s best fashion students are gearing up to compete for a place at the annual Fashion Awards Australia regional final.
The not-for-profit fashion event aims to nurture the creativity and growth of secondary college students, TAFE students as well as emerging and professional designers.
Event organiser Heather Marcus told Star the awards were a great opportunity for students to learn about the fashion industry.
“Teachers tell us the experience the fashion awards give the young students is absolutely amazing because it teaches them every facet of fashion and design,” Cr Marcus said.
“It also gives them the opportunity to see all the different schools in all the different areas of Victoria.”
Year 12 students Megan Holder and Amanda Venema have been working on their final designs for the competition.
Megan, 17, said the awards gave her a chance to present her designs and get exposure in the industry.
“I’m excited but at the same time it’s a worry because I have to present my own garment. I am not good with being in front of big crowds.”
Galvin Park Secondary School teacher and fashion designer Craig Braybrook admits walking down the runway can be daunting for students.
“It is good for their confidence and they can be proud of what they are wearing but it can be pretty scary,” he said.
He said the judges would look for quality and workmanship when deciding the finalists.
“You can make something that isn’t saleable. You can make whatever you want for the competition. You can push yourself.”
Mr Braybrook will also enter the competition in the professional category.
The event’s regional finals will be held at the Wyndham Leisure and Event’s Centre in Hoppers Crossing on Friday 31 August.
The gala finale presentation will be held at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne on Friday 14 September.
Star is a proud sponsor of the 2012 Fashion Awards Australia.
Tickets for the event are on sale now.
For more information visit

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