Wyndham lights up

WYNDHAM is home to the highest number of blue collar smokers in the West, according to the latest WorkHealth checks.
In Wyndham 6000 workers received a free 15-minute Work Health check between April 2009 and April 2012, with 26 per cent lighting up.
Work Health communication manager Tim McLean said the findings for the blue collar industry including manufacturing, construction and mining was “alarming” for employees and employers.
“It’s one of the biggest studies of its time, in terms of quality and ability for government areas it’s a really powerful set of information,” Mr McLean said.
One third of workers in Wyndham also had a higher waist circumference than the overall Victorian results.
Mr McLean said combined these two results could drive a heightened risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
“We’re raising awareness and business and individuals are taking notice,” Mr McLean said.
“The main priority for us is to encourage business of the West to take advantage of work checks and look at what they can achieve.”
He said there is more manufacturing in the blue collar business in the West and that shift work environment could encourage a higher smoking rate.
According to data released by the Cancer Council’s The Big Kill website, there have been 354 deaths in Wyndham, 46 relating to smoking.
Quit executive director Fiona Sharkie said in addition to high smoking rates residents in Wyndham “bear a disproportionate burden of smoking related death and disease”.
Ms Sharkie said the top five conditions for loss of healthy life in Wyndham are heart disease, depression, stroke, diabetes and asthma
“Smoking both causes and complicates most of these conditions so helping people to quit is one of the best ways to improve the health of Wyndham residents.”
Ms Sharkie said it’s important to drive down smoking rates by keeping the price of cigarettes high, continuing to screen anti-smoking advertisements and expanding smokefree areas.
“Quitting smoking is the single best thing you can do for your health and for Wyndham residents who do want to quit smoking, the Quitline is a great place to start.”

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