Point Cook turns pink

Students from Point Cook College helped raise money for charity last week. 88677 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIStudents from Point Cook College helped raise money for charity last week. 88677 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

A POINT Cook school turned pink last week with almost 1500 staff and students raising money for breast and ovarian cancer research.
The students wore pink and teal to school last Friday to celebrate Pink Ribbon Day and Frocktober, two fundraising days that the school decided to combine.
Last year the school raised $2736 when they held the event for the first time. Since then the number of students at the school has increased and they were hoping to raise as much money as possible for both causes.
One of the event organisers, Hanette Carey, said the whole school had been looking forward to the day.
“It was so successful last year that we thought we’d make it an annual event,” Ms Carey said.
“All the community has been getting involved too because they buy the merchandise from the front desk.”
The school also celebrates State Schools Relief Day where they raise money for students that are not as fortunate as them.
Renee Pilkington, another event organiser, said the teachers were always trying to instil a sense of responsibility in the students.
“We try to educate them on what it’s going to do and who the money is going to help so they feel special and they feel like they are doing a selfless act,” Ms Pilkington said.
The school’s 110 staff members also held a pink themed morning tea as a reward for all their hard work.

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