Star’s Volunteer of the Year

Stephen Linnell Managing Editor
THEY are the heart and soul of our communities. Without them, our elderly would not be cared for, local sporting events would not take place, our less fortunate would not receive help or assistance.
They are volunteers. Thousands of people across the West who give up their precious time day after day to help and assist others.
They do it for free. Their reward is not money, but the satisfaction of helping others.
To honour our volunteers, Star News Group has this week launched its inaugural Volunteer of the Year Award for 2012.
We want to pay tribute to the unsung heroes of our community.
Over the next few months, Star will highlight the achievements of many volunteers who assist others. We will put a public face to those individuals who otherwise go about their work unnoticed.
Each week, we will profile a volunteer in our community.
In our first edition of 2013 on 8 January, we will unveil Star’s Volunteer of the Year for 2012.
And we are asking our readers to assist. If you know of a volunteer who deserves recognition, let us know. Please email us at with the contact details and a brief summary.
Help us recognise those in the community who help others.

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