Survivor spreads cheer

Lyda Suong spreads happiness to others every day. 90448 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI
Lyda Suong spreads happiness to others every day. 90448 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


A HOPPERS Crossing resident with an amazing tale of survival is now spending her spare time helping less fortunate members of the community.

Lyda Suong was born in Cambodia and lived through the cruel dictatorship of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in which up to as many as three million people in a country of eight million people were killed.

During that time some of Ms Suong’s family, including her six-year-old son, managed to escape Cambodia to nearby Thailand.

She did not see this son for another 11 years after she was finally able to move to Australia to reunite with her sister.

“The war in Cambodia lasted for three years, eight months and 11 days. Every minute was hell,” Ms Suong said.

“During the Pol Pot time you were not allowed to talk to your family or cry otherwise they would kill you.

“Now that I am in Australia I can cry but they are happy tears.”

In 1992 Ms Suong became the first immigrant from Cambodia to arrive in Australia legally with her second son.

She only discovered her sister was living here after she gave a letter to a teacher who was visiting Cambodia from Australia on the off chance she managed to meet Ms Suong, which she did.

During her life in Cambodia, 50 male members of Ms Suong’s family were killed at the hands of the government.

Now, living with her elderly mother and being close to both her sons, Ms Suong donates her spare time as a volunteer with Basecamp 3030 which provides overnight respite care for disabled children in Wyndham.

“When I came here I said I am safe now so I want to help other people,” she said.

“Australia is a very safe and generous country so I want to give back to the community.”

Ms Suong has relied heavily upon her Christian faith and she said she did not feel lucky in her life but rather “blessed”.

Ms Suong is the fourth nominee for the Star Volunteer of the Year Award.

Each week a different volunteer will be profiled and a winner of the inaugural award will be announced 8 January next year.

To nominate someone for the award email

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