Poetry of bushfires

ALL year round people look forward to summer. Cooling off at the beach, having a barbeque and catching up with friends.
But with the arrival of the Australian summer also comes the threat of bushfires, leading one Wyndham poet to put his skills to a different use.
For the past nine years Ray McAlary has been planning a book of poetry of which the proceeds would go to the Country Fire Authority.
Last week his long dream finally came to fruition as he launched A Hot Country, The Seasons of Australia.
The 74 page book is comprised of short poems written by local poets and illustrations by students from the Essendon North State School.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard also wrote the foreword.
Mr McAlary said he was overjoyed to finally be launching the project he had wanted to do for such a long time.
“I’m very proud of this book. It’s a community effort, it’s written by local poets and it will benefit the local fire brigade,” Mr McAlary said.
“It’s not only a community thing it’s a real family thing for me.”
Initially the funds from the book, hoped to be around $5000 after the first prints are sold, will go directly to the Point Cook CFA.
Wyndham Councillor Bob Fairclough said he was proud to see what local artists were able to acchieve.
“We need to recognise artists right throughout our community,” Cr Fairclough said.
“This book is about recognising the Australian climate and the fact that we do go from extremes.”
The book has been sponsored by the Bendigo Local Community Bank and Wyndham Council.
For more information or to purchase a book email macpoets@hotmail.com or call 0419 661 457.

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