New bus service


OLDER people and people with a disability will be able to get around Point Cook easier thanks to a new initiative that was launched earlier this month.

The Point Cook Community Bank Branch, the State Government, Wyndham Council, LINK Community Transport and the Jamieson Way Community Centre joined forces to provide a new community transport service.

Point Cook Community Bank Branch Manager, Dore Payke, said the service would help people get to essential activities such as medical appointments and shopping.

“Point Cook Community Bank Branch is pleased the partnership has been formed ensuring independence for some of our most isolated community members,” Ms Pyke said.

A 12 seater bus has been specially altered for wheelchair access and will be driven by trained volunteer drivers according to Wyndham Social Development Manager Heather Johnson.

“The service is primarily for people aged over 65 and for those people with a disability who live in the Point Cook area,” Ms Johnson said.

Point Cook residents will need to register for the service and will be able to book the bus the day prior to collect them and drop them off right at their front door. A small gold coin contribution is requested for each return trip and will help keep the bus running.

The community transport service will be a nine month trial and if utilised by the community, Point Cook Community Bank Branch has committed to fund it for a further two years.

For further details and to register for the Point Cook Community Transport Service, phone 8353 4006.

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