Stand up and be heard

WYNDHAM and Melton residents are being urged to stand up and have their voices heard in a new campaign that aims to bring more high-quality local jobs to the municipalities.
The National Growth Areas Alliance (NGAA), a coalition of Australia’s 25 fastest growing municipalities, has created a new campaign called Voices of Outer Suburbs.
According to the NGAA working age people living in growth suburbs on the outskirts of Australia’s capital cities are more likely to be unemployed than the average Australian.
A gap in terms of access to community facilities and better public transport also exists between Australians living in established suburbs and those in growth areas, according to the NGAA.
Wyndham Mayor Heather Marcus, who is the official spokesperson for the Victorian members of the NGAA, told Star Wyndham was not the only community suffering.
“There are 25 growth area councils throughout Australia and we have all got the exact same problems,” Cr Marcus said.
“It’s not just about issues around jobs, it’s the lack of infrastructure. If we can’t get more funding from the State and Federal Governments then the gap between growth and established suburbs is only going to get wider.”
Cr Marcus said many young families that moved to areas like Wyndham and Melton due to more affordable property were in effect being sold a lie.
“People are moving out here because it is attractive, house prices and land prices are cheaper, but in fact the lack of infrastructure and access to community facilities is costing them more because they need to have two cars and they need to spend more time on the road getting from A to Z,” she said.
“The low cost housing is in fact costing them much more than they ever imagined.”
Cr Marcus said it was time for residents to join the call for more funding and infrastructure.
On 1 March the NGAA will launch a new website for residents to voice their concerns.
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