Longest lunch

WYNDHAM’S best gourmet food and wine will be on display next month as part of Australia’s Longest Lunch.
Held annually as part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, the event will feature a locally inspired menu prepared by chefs, pairing five dishes which showcase the best in regional produce, with local wines.
Councillor Intaj Khan said the lunch was always an event to remember.
“There’s nothing better than enjoying great food, great wine and great weather in the company of friends and family,” Cr Khan said.
“All guests at this year’s lunch will receive a gift bag, be entertained by live music throughout the afternoon and have the chance to win some fantastic prizes.”
The World’s Longest Lunch will be held between midday and 4pm at Shadowfax Winery, K Road, Werribee South.
To purchase tickets or for more information, phone Wyndham Council’s major events team on 9742 0777.

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