The case of the giant tomato

Nicole Casaccio with some of the giant vegetables that are being grown at Casaccio Egg Farm. 94449 Picture: XAVIER SMERDON

TOMATOES weighing up to one kilogram and zucchinis up to a metre long are springing up at a Werribee egg farm.
Paul Casaccio, owner of Casaccio Egg Farm on Bulban Rd in Werribee, first noticed the supersized vegetables around two weeks ago.
Josie Casaccio said in the 47 years the family had owned and run the business she had never seen vegetables grow so big.
“My husband Paul picked the heaviest tomato, which was close to one kilo and when he showed me I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Mrs Casaccio said.
“I’ve never seen anything like it. It must be our chicken manure.
“The vegetable garden is located where the old chicken sheds used to be so the land is already very fertile.”
Since then another tomato weighing 800 grams has also been grown and eggplants up to three times the normal size have regularly appeared.
Mrs Casaccio’s son in-law’s father, Sam Adamo, who has a passion for gardening, planted the seeds which would eventually become the humungous produce.
“Last year we got big vegetables as well but nothing as big as this. It’s extraordinary,” she said.
Mrs Casaccio, who is part of three generations of the same family involved in the business, said it was possible something even more important than chicken poo was at play too.
“I think it’s the love, passion and pride the whole family has,” she said.
People from as far away as Keilor, Doncaster and Coburg regularly travel to buy eggs from the farm and the super-sized vegetables are now also drawing crowds.

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