New suburb name game

WYNDHAM’S newest suburb – which it is hoped will bring 50,000 jobs to the municipality should be called East Werribee or Werribee East – the council has said.
Last week Wyndham Council made its formal submission to the State Government outlining its requirements for the yet to be named Werribee Employment Precinct Structure Plan.
Premier Ted Baillieu unveiled plans for the suburb, which will bring an extra 20,000 resident to Wyndham, last year.
A competition was also launched to try and find a name for the addition to the municipality.
According to the submission East Werribee or Werribee East are the council’s first preferences for a name.
Councillor Shane Bourke said either of the names were suitable.
“We don’t want a wizbang crazy name that no one can associate with Werribee,” Cr Bourke said.
Councillor Glenn Goodfellow was more assertive in his view of what the suburb should be named.
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s Werribee or East Werribee or it aint on,” Cr Goodfellow said.
Councillor John Gibbons said the council’s submission also seeks a formal written commitment to reinvest funds from the sale of East Werribee land into the development of the precinct.
“Council is asking for a commitment from the State Government to provide key infrastructure in East Werribee, along with an agreed timeline for the construction of infrastructure relative to the number of land sales,” Cr Gibbons said.
“We will request the Government to confirm the construction of a full diamond interchange at Sneydes Rd, upfront and in one stage.
“Wyndham City believes we also need an increase in employment land, a decrease in residential land and a higher target for the number of jobs to be created within the precinct, somewhere around 60,000.”
For more information on the East Werribee Employment Precinct Structure Plan or to view the council’s submission, visit

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