Dollar day discounts

Volunteers Lesley, left, Julie and Rhonda prepare for $1 day. 95177 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

IF you are in need of some affordable threads and want to contribute to charity one dollar day is not to be missed.
Laverton Lighthouse Opportunity Shop will open its doors for one day where every single item of clothing is sold for $1.
Laverton Lighthouse manager Lesley Mantle said the day is a fantastic opportunity for residents to stock up for winter with all the money raised going to people in need.
“We get extra revenue to help these people plus we are helping our local community with cheap clothes,” Mrs Mantle said.
Mrs Mantle, who has worked at Lighthouse in Laverton for 15 years, said they want to spread the message that all clothing will be one dollar.
“Whatever is on the rack we leave on the rack. We have quite a huge range of clothes. It’s good quality clothing, it’s not rubbish, and we only have good clothes,” Mrs Mantle said.
The idea for the charity day, now in its fourth year, started after the store became over-stocked with clothing.
“We decided we will give it a go selling for a one dollar each and the people loved it.”
“Hopefully this year will be one of the biggest we’ve had.”
The first one dollar days raised $400 to $500, but thanks to more publicity the profits from the day have increased to $2000.
Lighthouse is an initiative of South West Community Services.
“All the money we raise helps families, street kids, oversees we help orphanages.”
The $1 dollar day will be held on Saturday 23 March at 58-62 Wood St Laverton.

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