Sports centre upgrade

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WYNDHAM’S most crowded sporting facility will finally receive a multi-million dollar upgrade as part of Wyndham Council’s budget.
The Werribee Sports and Fitness Centre will receive $10.9 million if the council’s 2013-2014 budget is approved.
Mark Hall, Chairman of the community campaign, It’s Time, Fix the Rec, welcomed the funding announcement.
“This is great news for Werribee Basketball and other users of Werribee Sports & Fitness Centre being Netball, Table Tennis, Badminton and Volleyball. We were hoping that an amount would be in the budget so that the project could commence,” Mr Hall said.
“Our facilities desperately need updating and are at capacity, yet we have the fastest growing municipality in Australia.”
Mr Hall said the announcement was overdue, with the centre seeing nearly 1000 people through its doors every day.
“There has been no investment in indoor facilities in Wyndham for 10 years. Whilst there have been numerous football and cricket ovals developed during this time,” he said.
“We are at capacity and are turning people away who want to play basketball. Remember that our sport caters for boys, girls, men and women almost 12 months of the year.”
The redevelopment is expected to start next year and will take two years to complete, with further funds still required to complete the project, Mr Hall said.
Once finished the centre will boast 12 basketball courts, reconstructed external netball courts, a 1500 seat show court, a creche and increased car park spaces.

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